Monday, July 20, 2009

Digital Citizens

Who thinks of these things? Librarians, for sure. Such detail people. In the world of Digital Citizenship, I started with the post by the Coolcat Teacher.
I loved her 4 square model including a quadrant for Literacy, Safety, Learning Strategies and Etiquette. Then ensued the debate about teaching credible sources or ignoring the topic. I liked the quote from David Warlick where he suggests, not starting your lesson at the whiteboard web page but with the Google search and going through the process you used to find good, reliable sources for class. I thought that would be a quick easy way to teach the process in an ongoing, practical style. I agree there is a need, for so many students take everything they read online as gospel. Keep tuned in for my growing thoughts, as I read more articles on the topic of Digital Citizenship

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