Sunday, July 26, 2009

Final Post 11.5

The strongest impact came from the opening video. I think others will agree from what I gleaned from their posts. The obvious shift from teacher to facilitator was so shocking to see and hear. It was like another big shake up is just around the corner and with it the fear of, "Will I be ready?" Like others I feel unprepared but this summer's work is another step in the right direction.

I found this summer's project to be quite manageable in amount of tasks and time required to complete each. The biggest disappointment was probably the lack of inter-blog communication. I tried to visit other blogs and leave comments on a somewhat regular basis but was left empty by the lack of responses or feedback from others. I did love the interaction with my sister and daughter. I suggested that perhaps the returning students be required to blog a new student every time they were blogging to keep them encouraged. I liked that the captains responded to posts and offered suggestions.

As with last year I loved the image generators and suspect I will use them in my class. I'm excited to prepare GoView lessons to hand over to our Tech teacher. I hope I use voicethread as uploads to my web page for announcements and such. I think it would be fun for the kids to prepare their own for open house or parent night. Same can be said for Animoto. I plan to show students the Animoto for their own uses, too.

Youtube and Teachertube are already resources that I use and will continue to use, but doubt I will actually upload anything unless I really impress myself! I don't plan to twitter unless someone tells me I have to, although I can see the point and purpose for Facebook but for my private use only.

I'm glad I know about Second Life and may even suggest students visit it at home but I'm not quite ready to use this instructionally. It is amazing to see that it is out there and that it functions so smoothly.

As for Digital Citizenship, it seems to be a constant concern. I think it will be interesting to see where it goes in my district and others, as well. I enjoyed Mr. Ribbles ideas and it helped me solidify some of my own ideas.

This summer has been just what I needed to add new technology to my repertoire. I can't wait to see what next year has in store.


LauraAnn said...

Wow: I'm impressed that you are through with all of your things! Now you can go to the beach unfettered, footloose and fancy-free! I have spent the entire day reading a book that Hazel passed along, The Art of Racing in the Rain. Fabulous - the best book I have read in a long time!

VWB said...

Congratulations on completing your summer technology adventure.
I too have be a little bummed by the lack of comments, but I guess we all are well connected from our long associations over all of the adventures that comments almost seem unnecessary!

Keep in touch...hope you will share some of your school year adventures!

Happy Harping said...

I am almost finished with the course and loved reading your review of the course. It is great to see what others think about the course. I love it. Great job!!