Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Just to Say I Could

I am posting after a year and a half as a challenge for Myself. 1. I logged on with success. 2. I was shocked by old posts. 3. I can post from my phone 4. Maybe I can upload something. Let me see

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What's New

What's new? That is a good question since I'm on spring break and haven't blogged in months. I could just say, "Nothing!" But that isn't quite true. In areas of family: I'm still amazed, and entertained by the direction, choices, and lives of my children. In the area of marriage: despite my tenancy to lash all life's hardship on him, I haven't yet run him off.(coming up on 31 years) In the area of parents: you really can't teach an old dog new tricks. In the area of pets: down to 2 dogs. In the area of work: never worked harder, achieved less, and been more concerned about the future of mankind. In the areas of leisure: care much less about creativity and much more about physical being. In the area of religion: enjoying many series covered in services. (Is my willingness to let God drive my ship a sign that I'm lazy?) In the area of entertainment: still think I'm the funniest thing I know! In the areas of literature: none In the areas of music: why do so many great songs have such raunchy lyrics? In the area of fashion: as always perplexed! In the area of dance: no new moves.(waiting for Dancing with the Stars) I guess I could go on forever but the more I write, the more I realize...nothings new.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Making It

Living one mile from 35 and 12 miles from a major city we once again find ourselves without Internet service at our home! No we are not the Beverly Hillbillies! I have developed a new practice of a Sunday visit to Borders for coffee and browsing. I have my own corner, plug, coffee, and samples. I find I barely miss my home Internet. I am spending my valuable time doing things like chess, watching silly shows and keeping up better with laundry. So if you miss me on Facebook just wait until Sunday!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The New Year and Nothing New

This year I will remind myself that life is what you choose to make of it.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Daily Dilemma

This fall I've had the problem of no shoes to go with the right pants. Pants too long, shoes too tall, shoes that hurts, pants too short, pants wrong color, shoes wrong color... What is a girl to do? How does one go about remedying this situation? Do I start with new pants and then find the shoes? Do I find the shoes and then adjust the pants? The problem really began when I realized that the beginning of closed shoe season meant achy feet. Out of desperation I bought some flat black round toe 7W shoes and curse of all curses they feel good. I'm just not quite ready to be frumpy. Maybe I should read the definition of humility(again, Mom) and then pray for some.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

No loyalty, No respect

Can you imagine a day when your long term cell phone/Internet provider charges you for a "reconditioned" card? Can you imagine a day when the cell phone service center has the charm of a bus station and offers no, yes I said NO trash cans. I understand the importance of shredding but not to have a receptacle to for your empty coffee cup? Now how about this: a convenience store with its paper towel dispensers on the food bar taped closed with cardboard as to say to customers, "No you can use the hand dryer just like everyone else or don't make a mess with the mustard!" What is the state f our world? This is beyond cheap, beyond disrespect. Feeling better after having a little vent!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Just Say OK

Where is my beautiful post? Where did it go? I always take the technological disappearance of a post as a sign of words not meant to be. Alrighty then, OK!