Friday, August 1, 2008

Unrelated But Important All The Same

Perhpas it is the summer heat wave that has brought out the absolute worst in people, or perhaps I am emitting some aura that says," Be rude to me." I doubt the latter because I often describe myself as the nicest person I know. I realize that some people hate perky so I try to tone it down to merely nice...pleasant. In the past couple of weeks I have experienced some of the rudest people. Where? Target. Home Depot, and Habby Lobby. Generally I feel a bond to shoppers and workers in these places- a sort of brotherhood. In Home Depot after giving the sales lady 20 minutes to complete an important call by shopping the rest of the store and then coming back she told me "no" that she could not show me the carpet in the Home Depot Ad I had from my magazine because she had thousands and didn't know which it was. I know I'm gritting too. Did she offer to show me anything? Ni Get out of her chair? No. I just said thank you pleasantly and left the store, I hate to admit it, with hurt feelings. Not rude so much as just unhelpful.

Next episode, Target. Don't we all just love each other there? When I nicely said excuse me to a lady shopping there her respnse was NO and she just wheeled off. Maybe I have been too perky and just don't realize it. Some people HATE perky.

Where is there a funner place than Hobby Lobby where in an atttempt to sell you anything the staff in very helpful...the crafty world, you know. I quickly ran in to Hobby Lobby for some interior fabric 54", in warm tones for my kitchen chairs. I ask the employee what she thought of a fabric and she said"Talkin to me?" As I have her cut my four fabrics she doesn't make eye contact, inquire about my project, complement me on my choice of fabrics, ask who cuts my hair,..nothing. Even when I ask if she would like me to return the rolls of fabric(heavy!!!)she simply said no.
Does she hate life, her job, me? To her defense, as I was leaving she did mumble as if a cigareete was hanging out the corner of her mouth, "Have fun."

Have fun! Yes. Life is a lot more fun if you try to engage others in fun. I ccan imagine a therapist responding to this post by saying, "why do you care?", "Do you always take other's feelings personally?", "Why do you care if everyone likes and is nice to you?" I guess the answer is answered in that I have no answer.(Therpist scribbles on her pad wildly at this point) I think I just want people to join in my joys.


VWB said...

and I agree...I don't think your last statement is too much to ask! :-)

jbarras said...

Be perky and pleasant whenever you feel like it! Your kindness may turn around someone else's bad mood.