Saturday, July 25, 2009

Digital Citizenship #10,000

I don't know if you read Fooling With Words, but you should. The creator has such a way with words that it makes me feel like a 5th grade writer instead of teacher(not writing thank goodness). I'm not just saying that because she's my sister. But today when I responded to her blog I became aware of more of my own thoughts on Digital Citizenship so I copied my comment to her below.

I never find you to be boring. I loved the comparison of banned computer use to taking away the textbook. I agree that technology is a fundamental of education, not a privilege. Yes, I think this might be an avenue for more character education. Being who I am, I'm tempted to say that what you do online at home and school can be 2 different things! What is acceptable in one place is not acceptable in another. I noticed a sign at the post office store that said please hang up your cell phone when you are being served. Again, do we really need to be told or reminded of etiquette and good manners. Obviously, we do. There are so many things in education that I think we really shouldn't have to teach. Kids should know these things from home. Someone should have already taught them. But, no they have not. So just like Digital Conduct we will have to go ahead and teach what seems obvious and hope some of them will believe it matters.

So let's be sure to teach Digital Citizenship along with lessons on attentive listening, cooperative skills, hand washing, accepting no for an answer and using appropriate volume inside the classroom!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Here here! I like the way you think. Wash your hands after you go to the restroom, don't cut in line, and don't visit porn sites in computer lab. I personally think I am going to have trouble keeping myself from blurting out, "Who DOES that?!" when I discover a student engaging in any sort of activity I'd think they'd be taught at home to refrain from. Because, in reality, it's a very good possibility that they weren't taught that at home! Sigh.